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Toyota Yaris 1.3i - Personenauto(MARGE)

Auction vehicles

ATTENTION! Attribution of this lot only by approval of owner.


type 4/5-Doors
fuel Petrol
transmission Automatic
Mileage meter 223,040 km
Color Grey
chassis number JTDJW123300063044
power 86 hp
cc-cap. 1299 cc
first registration 13-11-2000
number of keys 1
certificat of registration yes
certificate of conformity yes
keuringsbewijs no
comfortelectric front windows
elektrische spiegel
If you click on the icon next to the damage, you will get a picture of the damage.

car check
car check
additionalCar check not valid - vehicle can be inspected on site 
The vehicle starts and drives! Battery flat! 
stains on the seats