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  • Ford Transit 2.0 TDCi L3H2 - Lichte vracht
  • 0%LBR-TYA-00118
  •   2020
      03-02-2025, 14:30
type Van
fuel Gasoil
transmission Manual
Mileage meter 138,038 km
Color White
chassis number WF0EXXTTREKM30350
power 170 hp
emission class Euro 6
cc-cap. 1995 cc
first registration 01-07-2020
number of keys 1
aantal zetels 3
certificat of registration yes
certificate of conformity yes
keuringsbewijs no
automatic traction control
central locking
front fog lights
comfortair conditioning
cruise control
electric front windows
elektrische spiegel
front parking assistance system
multifunction steering wheel
rear parking assistance system
reversing camera
multimediaboard computer
If you click on the icon next to the damage, you will get a picture of the damage.

car check
car check
exterior1. stone impact bumper front
1. scratch bumper front
1. dent bumper front
2. stone impact front
3. stone impact trunk
4. dent front window
6. stone impact wing front left
7. broken mirror left
8. stone impact door front left
8. scratch door front left
9. scratch lower body left
9. dent lower body left
9. broken lower body left
10. stone impact door rear left
10. scratch door rear left
11. stone impact wing rear left
11. scratch wing rear left
11. dent wing rear left
12. broken lights rear left
13. stone impact bumper rear
13. scratch bumper rear
14. stone impact rear
14. scratch rear
14. dent rear
15. stone impact trunk rear
15. scratch trunk rear
15. dent trunk rear
18. stone impact wing rear right
18. scratch wing rear right
19. stone impact door rear right
19. scratch door rear right
19. dent door rear right
20. stone impact lower body right
20. scratch lower body right
21. stone impact door front right
21. scratch door front right
22. scratch mirror right
23. stone impact wing front right
23. scratch wing front right
additionalWheel covers damaged! Very little fuel (driving range 0km)! 
ATTENTION! Attribution of this lot only by approval of owner.
  • Peugeot Boxer 2.2 HDi - Lichte vracht.
  • 0%LBR-TYA-00167
  •   2008
      29-01-2025, 14:00
type Van
fuel Gasoil
transmission Manual
Mileage meter 87,144 km
Color Grey
chassis number VF3YAAMFA11590127
power 101 hp
emission class Euro 4
cc-cap. 2198 cc
loading capacity 935 kg
first registration 04-12-2008
number of keys 2
aantal zetels 3
certificat of registration yes
certificate of conformity yes
keuringsbewijs no
identificatieverslag yes
central locking
comfortelectric front windows
reversing camera
praktischluggage rack
trailer hook
If you click on the icon next to the damage, you will get a picture of the damage.

car check
car check
exterior1. stone impact bumper front
1. scratch bumper front
2. scratch front
3. scratch trunk
6. scratch wing front left
7. broken mirror left
8. stone impact door front left
8. scratch door front left
9. scratch lower body left
11. scratch wing rear left
11. dent wing rear left
13. scratch bumper rear
13. broken bumper rear
14. scratch rear
14. dent rear
15. stone impact trunk rear
15. scratch trunk rear
15. dent trunk rear
16. stone impact roof
16. scratch roof
18. scratch wing rear right
18. dent wing rear right
18. broken wing rear right
19. stone impact door rear right
19. scratch door rear right
19. dent door rear right
20. scratch lower body right
20. dent lower body right
21. stone impact door front right
21. scratch door front right
22. scratch mirror right
23. scratch wing front right
additionalThe rear view camera is not working! 
stains on the seats 
ATTENTION! Attribution of this lot only by approval of owner.
  • Mitsubishi Canter - Lichte vracht
  • 0%LBR-TXL-00057
  •   2012
      16-12-2024, 14:05
type Van
fuel Gasoil
transmission Manual
Mileage meter 62,463 km
Color Grey
chassis number TYBFB83SE4DV10644
power 131 hp
emission class Euro 5
cc-cap. 2998 cc
loading capacity 885 kg
first registration 23-05-2012
number of keys 1
aantal zetels 6
certificat of registration yes
certificate of conformity yes
keuringsbewijs yes
identificatieverslag yes
comments The inspection certificate has expired!
veiligheidfront fog lights
comfortair conditioning
double cabine
electric front windows
If you click on the icon next to the damage, you will get a picture of the damage.

car check
car check
exterior1. scratch bumper front
1. broken bumper front
2. scratch front
2. dent front
3. dent trunk
4. stone impact front window
7. scratch mirror left
8. stone impact door front left
8. scratch door front left
8. dent door front left
10. stone impact door rear left
10. scratch door rear left
10. dent door rear left
11. dent wing rear left
14. stone impact rear
14. scratch rear
16. scratch roof
18. stone impact wing rear right
18. scratch wing rear right
19. stone impact door rear right
19. scratch door rear right
19. dent door rear right
21. stone impact door front right
21. scratch door front right
21. dent door front right
22. scratch mirror right
24. scratch lights front right
stains on the seats 
ATTENTION! Attribution of this lot only by approval of owner.
  • Fiat Doblo 1.3 Multijet - Lichte vracht.
  • 0%LBR-TXH-00240
  •   2018
      16-09-2024, 14:55
type Van
fuel Gasoil
transmission Manual
Mileage meter 18,304 km
Color White
chassis number ZFA26300006J06029
power 95 hp
emission class Euro 6
cc-cap. 1248 cc
loading capacity 805 kg
first registration 24-04-2018
number of keys 2
aantal zetels 2
certificat of registration yes
certificate of conformity yes
keuringsbewijs yes
identificatieverslag yes
comments The vehicle has already been inspected, the pink form for application for registration of the vehicle is present and valid until 12/09/24!
comfortelectric front windows
elektrische spiegel
rear parking assistance system
If you click on the icon next to the damage, you will get a picture of the damage.

car check
car check
exterior1. scratch bumper front
1. dent bumper front
1. broken bumper front
2. scratch front
3. scratch trunk
6. scratch wing front left
7. scratch mirror left
8. stone impact door front left
8. dent door front left
10. scratch door rear left
10. dent door rear left
11. scratch wing rear left
11. dent wing rear left
13. scratch bumper rear
14. scratch rear
15. stone impact trunk rear
15. scratch trunk rear
15. dent trunk rear
18. scratch wing rear right
18. dent wing rear right
19. scratch door rear right
19. dent door rear right
20. dent lower body right
21. stone impact door front right
21. scratch door front right
21. broken door front right
22. broken mirror right
23. scratch wing front right
23. dent wing front right
additionalEngine error message! The vehicle starts and drives! 
interiorstains on the seats 
ATTENTION! Attribution of this lot only by approval of owner.
73 / 76 van total: 76
1 2 3 4 5 6 7